- Advances in Water Resources
An Elsevier journal featuring advanced research on water resources, including hydrogeology.
- Annual Review of Marine Science:
A journal that draws from diverse topics within the major disciplines of coastal science, including biological, chemical, geological, and physical.
- Climate Risk Management
Published by Elsevier, it focuses on the consequences of climate variability and climate change in decision and policy making on climate change responses from the near- to long-term.
- Earth’s Future
Published by the American Geophysical Union (AGU). It focuses on the relation between changes in the planet and the implications for societies.
- Environmental Earth Sciences
A Springer journal covers many topics related to Earth sciences, including hydrogeology.
- Environmental Research Letters
Published by IOPScience. Covers all environmental science.
- Frontiers in Earth Science
Published by Frontiers. It focuses on advancing our understanding across the earth sciences.
- Geophysical Research Letters (GRL)
Published by AGU. It focuses on major advances spanning all of the major geoscience disciplines.
- Geoscientific Model Development (GMD)
Published by the European Geoscience Union (EGU). It’s a journal dedicated to publishing and discussing the description, development, and evaluation of numerical models of the Earth system and its components.
- Groundwater
The journal of the Association for Groundwater Scientists and Engineers, part of the National Ground Water Association (NGWA).
- Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS)
Published by EGU. It focuses on the publication of original research in hydrology.
- Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology
A journal covering both hydrogeology and engineering geology topics.
- Hydrogeology Journal
The official journal of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH), published by Springer Nature.
- Hydrological Processes
Published by Wiley, it focuses on hydrological processes, including those affecting groundwater systems.
- Journal of Contaminant Hydrology
Published by Elsevier, this journal focuses on contamination in surface and groundwater systems.
- Journal of Coastal Research (JCR)
Published by JSTOR. This journal is dedicated to all aspects of integrated coastal research, including geology, biology, geography, and climate, among others.
- Journal of Hydrology
Published by Elsevier, it covers a wide range of hydrological sciences, including hydrogeology.
- Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
Published by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), it includes topics on hydrological engineering and related fields.
- Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
Published by ASCE. This journal reports multidisciplinary and emerging issues in the field of water resources planning and management.
- Scientific Reports
Published research across science disciplines
- Water
Published by MDPI. This journal focuses on water science and technology, including ecology and management of water resources.
- Water Research
Published by Elsevier. It focuses on all aspects of the science and technology of the anthropogenic water cycle, water quality, and its management worldwide.
- Water Resources Research (WRR)
Published by AGU. This journal focuses on hydrology, water resources, and the social sciences of water that provide a broad understanding of the role of water in Earth’s system.